Megan Reynolds

Megan Reynolds

I am a teacher & designer. Connecting with students & seeing them enjoy learning is my favorite feeling on earth! I hope you enjoy this article!

How to Create a Choice Board for an Elementary Classroom

FREE Blank Fillable & Custom Choice Board

All ages, all grades where you need 9 grid choice board. Start loving learning again! 


In today’s diverse and dynamic classrooms, catering to various learning styles and preferences is essential. One effective method to achieve this is by implementing choice boards. A choice board is a powerful educational tool that offers students a selection of activities to choose from, enabling them to take ownership of their learning process. In this blog post, we will guide you through the process of creating a choice board for an elementary classroom. With step-by-step instructions and relevant image descriptions, you’ll learn how to empower your students and enhance their educational experience.

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Understanding the Concept of Choice Boards

Before we dive into the creation process, let’s understand what choice boards are and why they are beneficial. A choice board is essentially a grid containing various activities or tasks related to a specific topic or skill. Students are given the freedom to choose activities from the board based on their interests and learning styles. This not only promotes independence and self-directed learning but also allows for differentiation within the classroom, ensuring that every student’s needs are met.

Step 1: Define Your Learning Objectives

Begin by identifying the learning objectives you want to achieve with the choice board. Clearly define the skills or topics you want your students to explore. These objectives will serve as the foundation upon which you will build your choice board.

Step 2: Design the Choice Board Grid

Create a grid layout that suits your objectives. You can use software like Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or specialized educational tools like Canva to design your choice board. Divide the grid into rows and columns. Each column represents a different type of activity, while each row corresponds to a different level of complexity or depth of understanding.

Step 3: Develop a Variety of Activities

In each grid cell, include a brief description of the activity along with any necessary instructions or resources. Ensure that the activities cater to different learning styles, such as visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Activities can include research projects, creative tasks, interactive games, hands-on experiments, or collaborative discussions. The key is to offer a diverse range of options that appeal to various interests and abilities.

Step 4: Include Clear Instructions and Resources

For each activity, provide clear and concise instructions so that students understand what is expected of them. If the activity requires specific resources, mention them clearly. Additionally, consider attaching relevant links, videos, or documents that can aid students in completing the tasks successfully.

Step 5: Add Images for Visual Appeal

Enhance the visual appeal of your choice board by incorporating relevant images. Images not only make the choice board more engaging but also provide visual cues that can help students understand the activities better. For example, if one of the activities involves drawing, include a picture of art supplies or students engaged in drawing.

Step 6: Consider Differentiation

To accommodate diverse learning needs, include activities that cater to various skill levels. Some activities can be designed for beginners, while others can be more advanced to challenge students who need an extra push. This differentiation ensures that every student finds a suitable level of challenge and support within the choice board.

Step 7: Review and Revise

Before finalizing your choice board, review it from the perspective of your students. Ensure that the instructions are clear, the activities are varied, and the objectives are achievable. Revise and make any necessary changes to improve the overall quality and usability of the choice board.

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Creating a choice board for your elementary classroom can transform the way your students engage with learning. By offering them options and empowering them to make decisions about their education, you foster a sense of responsibility and enthusiasm for learning. As you design your choice board, keep in mind the diverse needs and interests of your students, and don’t hesitate to modify and adapt the board based on their feedback and performance.

By following the step-by-step instructions provided in this blog post and incorporating visually appealing images, you can craft a choice board that captures the imagination of your students and enhances their educational journey. Embrace the power of choice boards and watch as your classroom becomes a hub of active, engaged, and motivated learners, each exploring the curriculum in their unique way.

FREE Blank Fillable & Custom Choice Board

All ages, all grades where you need 9 grid choice board. Start loving learning again!