Megan Reynolds

Megan Reynolds

I am a teacher & designer. Connecting with students & seeing them enjoy learning is my favorite feeling on earth! I hope you enjoy this article!

Choice Boards in Remote Learning w/ Research

FREE Blank Fillable & Custom Choice Board

All ages, all grades where you need 9 grid choice board. Start loving learning again! 

Strategies for Keeping Students Engaged Online

The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated a sudden shift to online learning for schools around the world. Teachers were challenged to keep students engaged through a computer screen. One strategy that emerged to meet this need was the use of choice boards for remote learning. Choice boards provide students with options to show their learning digitally in varied, interactive ways. Research and teacher testimonials reveal the power of choice boards to motivate and activate students during online instruction.

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What the Research Says

A 2020 study published in The Journal of Educators Online examined how choice boards impacted engagement for remote middle school students. The teacher-researcher implemented choice boards for several assignments, surveying students afterward. Here were the key findings:

  • 81% of students said choice boards were more interesting than typical online assignments.
  • 76% said choice boards made them feel more involved in their learning.
  • 68% said the choices motivated them to do their best work.
  • 62% said choice boards made remote learning more enjoyable.

Additionally, the study found increased assignment completion rates compared to traditional posted assignments. Researchers concluded that choice boards have high potential to positively influence remote learning experiences.

Teacher Testimonials

Many teachers shared stories affirming the difference choice boards made for their students during online learning:

“I teach 2nd grade, and some of my students were not coping well emotionally with being isolated from peers. After introducing choice boards, I noticed their attitudes improve. They were excited to share their choice board work with classmates online.”

“My high school ELA students are much more engaged in lessons and complete their assignments more regularly when I provide choice boards rather than standardized worksheets.”

“Some of my 6th graders have shorter attention spans online. Choice boards enabled them to switch activities frequently, which prevented the restlessness I saw earlier.”

“I was struggling to get some of my 4th grade students to turn in work. The choice boards motivated them intrinsically. Their effort and completion rates rose.”

“One of my Kindergarteners was struggling to stay focused during our online circle time. I made a choice board just for her with hands-on activity choices. It allowed her to multi-task while still absorbing the lessons.”

These testimonials reveal how choice boards helped re-engage students feeling disconnected from online learning by offering autonomy and variety.

Key Benefits for Remote Learning

  • Increased intrinsic motivation and effort
  • Catered to different learning styles/needs
  • Provided flexibility within structured expectations
  • Offered interactive and creative choices
  • Broke up potential monotony or restlessness
  • Kept students actively involved and focused
  • Provided opportunities for collaboration
  • Enabled teachers to differentiate easily
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Implementing Choice Boards for Remote Learning

Choice boards can be implemented into any remote classroom:

  • Provide clear objectives, choices, and expectations
  • Display options in an easy-to-read grid format
  • Include a balance of individual and collaborative work
  • Incorporate activities for learning styles and needs
  • Allow choices that tap into student interests/skills
  • Use choice boards for reviewing, applying, or extending concepts
  • Have students submit work digitally through online platforms
  • Be responsive and adjust boards as needed

Choice boards empower students with the freedom to direct their learning within meaningful parameters. The research and anecdotal evidence shows choice boards enhance student engagement, motivation, enjoyment, and assignment completion during online learning. As remote instruction continues evolving, choice boards will remain an essential tool for keeping students actively involved in their education – no matter where it takes place.

FREE Blank Fillable & Custom Choice Board

All ages, all grades where you need 9 grid choice board. Start loving learning again!